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aller sur votre pc pour le passer sur facebook. car quand vous jouez au jeu directement sur facebook, vous obtenez des boosters… partagez cet article ! niveaux 1 à 99 3 avril 2018 astuces candy crush niveau 65 solution pour passer le premier niveau le plus difficile dans candy crush : le niveau 65 dans candy crush, il y a certains niveaux qui sont très difficiles et sur lesquels beaucoup de personnes se… partagez cet article ! conseils pour passer les niveaux de candy crush saga , niveaux 400 à 499 , niveaux buggés 2 avril 2018 candy crush saga – niveau 410 : différence entre la version pc et la version iphone solution pour passer le niveau 410 de candy crush saga le niveau 410 est difficile mais il est encore plus difficile sur l’iphone car il s’avère qu’il existe une différence entre la version smartphone et… partagez cet article ! top astuces candy crush saga 2 avril 2018 conseil candy crush saga n°1 : utilisez les bonbons rayés de manière stratégique ! ne gâchez pas vos bonbons 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pour être averti de nouveaux articles email prénom en soumettant ce formulaire, j'accepte que mes informations soient utilisées uniquement dans le cadre de ma demande et de la relation commerciale éthique et personnalisée qui peut en découler. je m'inscris ! pour connaître et exercer mes droits, notamment pour annuler mon consentement, je consulte la politique de confidentialité en cliquant ici copyright 2018 | mh newsdesk lite by mh themes nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site. si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. ok ; rel="" db cache debug info: engine: disk total queries: 103 cached queries: 3 total query time: 0.2384 sql info: # | time (s) | caching (reject reason) | status | data size (b) | query 1 | 0.0116 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select option_name, option_value from wpmcc_options where autoload = 'yes' 2 | 0.001 | enabled | not cached | 592 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'autoptimize_optimize_logged' limit 1 3 | 0.0004 | enabled | not cached | 594 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'autoptimize_optimize_checkout' limit 1 4 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 1521 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'cookie_notice_options' limit 1 5 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 582 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'fs_storage_logger' limit 1 6 | 0.0006 | enabled | not cached | 577 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'wpseo_onpage' limit 1 7 | 0.0047 | enabled | not cached | 591 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'autoptimize_extra_settings' limit 1 8 | 0.0006 | enabled | not cached | 583 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'mc4wp_integrations' limit 1 9 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 589 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'mh_newsdesk_lite_options' limit 1 10 | 0.0087 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows from wpmcc_posts where 1=1 and wpmcc_posts.post_type = 'post' and (wpmcc_posts.post_status = 'publish') order by wpmcc_posts.post_date desc limit 0, 10 11 | 0.0038 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 12 | 0.0006 | enabled | cached | 77355 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where id in (2038,2023,73,51,46,36,8,2013,2005,1999) 13 | 0.0002 | enabled | cached | 10250 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (8, 36, 46, 51, 73, 1999, 2005, 2013, 2023, 2038) order by asc 14 | 0.0002 | enabled | cached | 11274 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (8,36,46,51,73,1999,2005,2013,2023,2038) order by meta_id asc 15 | 0.0125 | enabled | not cached | 597 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'monsterinsights_network_profile' limit 1 16 | 0.0075 | enabled | not cached | 587 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'mc4wp_form_stylesheets' limit 1 17 | 0.001 | enabled | not cached | 3928 | select * from wpmcc_users where id = '1' 18 | 0.0032 | enabled | not cached | 20702 | select user_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_usermeta where user_id in (1) order by umeta_id asc 19 | 0.0058 | enabled | not cached | 636 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'can_compress_scripts' limit 1 20 | 0.0017 | enabled | not cached | 581 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'tcm_loggerenable' limit 1 21 | 0.002 | enabled | not cached | 3763 | select t.*, tt.* from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id where t.term_id = 4 22 | 0.0074 | enabled | not cached | 993 | select tr.object_id from wpmcc_term_relationships as tr inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('nav_menu') and tt.term_id in ('4') order by tr.object_id asc 23 | 0.0022 | enabled | not cached | 12883 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where 1=1 and in (13,14,254,261,1493,1956) and wpmcc_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' and ((wpmcc_posts.post_status = 'publish')) order by wpmcc_posts.menu_order asc 24 | 0.0012 | enabled | not cached | 8033 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (13,14,254,1956,1493,261) order by meta_id asc 25 | 0.0027 | enabled | not cached | 42465 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where 1=1 and in (2,252,1953,1492,256) and wpmcc_posts.post_type = 'page' and ((wpmcc_posts.post_status = 'publish')) order by wpmcc_posts.post_date desc 26 | 0.001 | enabled | not cached | 6797 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1953,1492,256,252,2) order by meta_id asc 27 | 0.0008 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 28 | 0.0006 | enabled | not cached | 588 | select option_value from wpmcc_options where option_name = 'yarpp_fulltext_disabled' limit 1 29 | 0.0006 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 30 | 0.0011 | enabled | not cached | 554 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 2038 31 | 0.0013 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 2038 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 32 | 0.0005 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 33 | 0.0015 | enabled | not cached | 5619 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (1645, 1272, 1614) order by asc 34 | 0.0009 | enabled | not cached | 4709 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1645,1272,1614) order by meta_id asc 35 | 0.0082 | enabled | not cached | 16247 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where id in (2024,693,52,48,37,9,2015,2006,2000) 36 | 0.0012 | enabled | not cached | 15574 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (9,37,48,52,693,2000,2006,2015,2024) order by meta_id asc 37 | 0.001 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 38 | 0.0006 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 39 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 554 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 2023 40 | 0.0014 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 2023 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 41 | 0.0007 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 42 | 0.0025 | enabled | not cached | 4736 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (1816, 610, 230) order by asc 43 | 0.0047 | enabled | not cached | 4639 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1816,610,230) order by meta_id asc 44 | 0.0026 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 45 | 0.0032 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 46 | 0.0114 | enabled | not cached | 551 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 73 47 | 0.0027 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 73 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 48 | 0.0009 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 49 | 0.0024 | enabled | not cached | 5095 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (81, 388, 474) order by asc 50 | 0.0028 | enabled | not cached | 5794 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (81,388,474) order by meta_id asc 51 | 0.0025 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 52 | 0.0007 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 53 | 0.0006 | enabled | not cached | 551 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 51 54 | 0.0012 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 51 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 55 | 0.0004 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 56 | 0.002 | enabled | not cached | 8010 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (92, 100, 106) order by asc 57 | 0.001 | enabled | not cached | 5011 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (92,100,106) order by meta_id asc 58 | 0.0009 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 59 | 0.0005 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 60 | 0.0004 | enabled | not cached | 552 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 46 61 | 0.0021 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 46 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 62 | 0.0004 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 63 | 0.0013 | enabled | not cached | 5364 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (194, 1043, 1650) order by asc 64 | 0.0013 | enabled | not cached | 5311 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (194,1043,1650) order by meta_id asc 65 | 0.0017 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 66 | 0.0026 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 67 | 0.0008 | enabled | not cached | 552 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 36 68 | 0.0015 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 36 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 69 | 0.0037 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 70 | 0.0035 | enabled | not cached | 5040 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (1869, 1344) order by asc 71 | 0.001 | enabled | not cached | 3208 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1869,1344) order by meta_id asc 72 | 0.0009 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 73 | 0.0028 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 74 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 548 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 8 75 | 0.0008 | enabled | not cached | 9790 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where id in (2014,2016) 76 | 0.0065 | enabled | not cached | 5346 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (2014,2016) order by meta_id asc 77 | 0.005 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 78 | 0.0006 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 79 | 0.0005 | enabled | not cached | 554 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 2013 80 | 0.0024 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 2013 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 81 | 0.0004 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 82 | 0.0019 | enabled | not cached | 5617 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (466, 1385, 1696) order by asc 83 | 0.0008 | enabled | not cached | 5135 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (466,1385,1696) order by meta_id asc 84 | 0.0023 | enabled | not cached | 8937 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where id in (2007) 85 | 0.0031 | enabled | not cached | 3682 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (2007) order by meta_id asc 86 | 0.0009 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 87 | 0.0039 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 88 | 0.0005 | enabled | not cached | 554 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 2005 89 | 0.0018 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 2005 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 90 | 0.0003 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 91 | 0.0016 | enabled | not cached | 4976 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (1561, 1065) order by asc 92 | 0.0007 | enabled | not cached | 3510 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1561,1065) order by meta_id asc 93 | 0.0022 | enabled | not cached | 8928 | select wpmcc_posts.* from wpmcc_posts where id in (2001) 94 | 0.0032 | enabled | not cached | 3630 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (2001) order by meta_id asc 95 | 0.0048 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show tables 96 | 0.0038 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | show index from wpmcc_posts where key_name = 'yarpp_title' or key_name = 'yarpp_content' 97 | 0.0035 | enabled | not cached | 554 | select max(id) as max_id from wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache where reference_id = 1999 98 | 0.0076 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select sql_calc_found_rows wpmcc_posts.*, yarpp.score from wpmcc_posts join wpmcc_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on = where 1=1 and yarpp.score = 4 and yarpp.reference_id = 1999 and wpmcc_posts.post_type in ('post', 'page', 'attachment') order by yarpp.score desc limit 3 99 | 0.0006 | disabled (query not cacheable) | not cached | 0 | select found_rows() 100 | 0.0016 | enabled | not cached | 5583 | select t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id inner join wpmcc_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') and tr.object_id in (1991, 1319, 1846) order by asc 101 | 0.0008 | enabled | not cached | 4125 | select post_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_postmeta where post_id in (1991,1319,1846) order by meta_id asc 102 | 0.0027 | enabled | not cached | 11495 | select t.*, tt.* from wpmcc_terms as t inner join wpmcc_term_taxonomy as tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id where tt.taxonomy in ('category') order by asc 103 | 0.0018 | enabled | not cached | 1341 | select term_id, meta_key, meta_value from wpmcc_termmeta where term_id in (61,72,62,10,64,65,12,41,9,76,19,17,68,18,77,20,21,45,63,67,66,69,71,70,1,73,74,3) order by meta_id asc served from: @ 2018-06-12 18:51:49 by w3 total cache --